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Schoolsworks is a multi-academy trust in West Sussex. Our aim is to create small hubs of schools which work closely together to collaborate, share best practice and improve outcomes for children.





Just Jeffrey 

My name is Just Jeffrey and as Headteacher of Downsbrook, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to our school website.  Downsbrook Primary School is an inspiring, imaginative and forward-thinking school that is full of creativity, ambition and drive. Please take time to look around our website which will provide you with an understanding of our school’s vision, give you an insight into our school’s successes and inform you of the exciting opportunities that our children have throughout their time with us. 

Our aim is to provide all children with the best possible learning opportunities in order to develop into independent, confident and intellectually curious individuals. We are extremely lucky to have an incredible staff team who go above and beyond in their roles every single day to provide the very best education that they can for our children. The adults in our school are excellent role models and work together to uphold our ‘no excuses culture’, where every single child can and will succeed. Our staff embody this ethos through their determination, resilience and perseverance. We pride ourselves in the high expectations that we have of ourselves and our children. We encourage all members of our school community to be lifelong learners and we support all children to achieve above and beyond their potential.


Here at Downsbrook, inclusion is at the heart of all that we do: we believe in and value every child and adult who enters through our doors. Our robust approach to inclusion is rooted in partnership with families to ensure that every child is able to make progress, be successful and enjoy their learning. By working closely with families, we can ensure that our children thrive and develop socially, academically and emotionally. We celebrate the diversity of our local community and support children to be good citizens, understanding their own nationality and culture as well as valuing and understanding the diversity of the world we live in. Our school has a calm, warm and friendly feel and we work hard to promote an ethos of mutual respect, pride, celebration and acceptance of all: attitudes that we believe are essential to be successful in modern Britain. We pride ourselves on the excellent learning behaviours demonstrated by our children as well as their impeccable manners and respectful attitudes to all. This outstanding learning behaviour enables all children to make accelerated progress and develop a broad and deep understanding in a wide range of subject areas.


Our rich and creative curriculum ensures that all children are constantly challenged and have lots of fun whilst doing so. We provide children with a stimulating and engaging learning environment which showcases the outstanding learning that takes place in the classrooms. The education that we offer our children is aimed at developing critical learners and philosophical thinkers. We are exceptionally proud of the children who attend our school and take great pride in preparing them for the next step in their academic journey. I hope that you will choose to join Downsbrook; I have no doubt that you will quickly see just how special and unique it is. 


Just Jeffrey



A downloadable version of our prospectus can be found here